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Mira que eres canalla, Aute...

La música y la vida de Luis Eduardo contada por sus amigos más cercanos.

Un tributo al pintor, compositor y poeta.

Neruda y el cartero...

Mi homenaje personal al poeta chileno y a la película

"El Cartero", de Michael Radford.

Galeano y otras hierbas...

Un viaje sonoro a través de "La Creación",

relato del periodista y escritor uruguayo

Eduardo Galeano. Del "Libro de los Abrazos"

Carne de primera...

Jugando a través del Cine, la Müsica y el Amor...

Hay algo mejor? 

No es fácil ser verde...

"No es fácil ser verde.." 

Pero quién quiere" ser normal"?   :-)

Programas en Vimeo ...

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Boca a Boca’ was a radio show that originally aired from Canal Sur’s music station - called
Formula One at the time - and then from local Seville radio station, Andalucía Abierta Radio, fromthe mid-90s to 2003.

The show, very much in keeping with the style of the radio station, offered two hours of soft andenveloping music during the most relaxed time of the day, the ‘siesta’.

As a result of the cinematographic inspiration that came from the name (Boca a Boca is the name of a Spanish movie, as well as the sensual, and ‘medical’ interpretation of ‘mouth to mouth’…) ‘Boca a Boca’ featured various sound excerpts from films and poems, which blended - sometimes subtly, and sometimes as clear as day - in away that formed the path or paths of each show.


Boca a Boca poster

Over the years I have had the immense pleasure of receiving news, at first more or less "accidental" over the Internet, then more numerous and directly via e-mail and Facebook, by many listeners who remembered with great affection those years of radio, and asked me if it would be possible to have some “Boca a Boca” on the net.


And so they came, finally, fragments of a list that has been expanded little by little.

I honestly believe that the times we live in need even more if possible every mouth to mouth of medicinal, sensual, playful and full of life to be able to procure ourselves.


And I want humbly that the memory and the present of these programs - its music, poems and aromas- draw us at least a smile.


Of joy, pleasure or excitement.


- Vicky Tessio. Summer 2012 -

  • castilian voiceover spanish voice actor english spanish accented


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